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Researcher Sergey Levine
Researcher Biography
Past Projects
Factual, Controllable, and Interactive Dialogue Agents
Sequence Modeling as Reinforcement Learning
Offline Reinforcement Learning for Data-Driven Autonomous Driving
Off-Policy Reinforcement Learning for Learning from Logged Data
Uncertainty-Aware Meta-Learning and Safe Adaptation
Learning Human-Like Decision-making Behavior based on Adversarial Inverse Reinforcement Learning
Imitative Models: Learning Flexible Driving Models from Human Data
Uncertainty-Aware End-to-End Prediction for Robust Decision Making
Model-based Reinforcement Learning in a Latent Space
Deep RL with Dexterous Hands and Tactile Sensing
Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning & Abstraction Discovery
Training Real-World Robotic Skills in Diverse Simulated Environments